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The power of CRO for Brands?

In today's fast-moving world of online commerce, the success of your brand depends on your ability to convert visitors into loyal customers.

That's where conversion rate optimisation (CRO) comes in, offering an opportunity to change the game and take your brand to new heights.

At our agency, we don't believe in half measures. In a landscape where everything is happening online, it's time to move from a basic digital presence to a strategy that dazzles. Think of your business as a play. The main players? Organic traffic, advertising, email and conversion. Each has its part to play, but it's the whole that creates the show.
At our agency, we believe in a complete and captivating approach to making your online presence a real spectacle:
The Key Players :

  1. Organic traffic (40% of sales): The star that shines effortlessly, attracting a qualified audience.
  2. Advertising (30% of sales) : The spectacular stunts that put your brand in the spotlight.
  3. E-mails (20% of sales): The intimate connections that captivate and build loyalty.
  4. Webshop optimisation and conversion rates (10% of sales): The conductor of the orchestra that maximises every sale.

So when is it important to make sure you have your CRO / Webshop optimization really in order?

-> At the launch of your webshop
-> When your webshop is not converting well
-> And overal we advice any webshop that is doing more than 300keur a year to have their CRO in check. Because it moves the needle.

If you want to discover how Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) can revolutionize your brand's online presence. Download our latest guide to harness the power of CRO techniques, driving higher conversions, and maximizing ROI.